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(R)-(+)-1-(1-萘基)乙胺 1

(GaxIn1−x)2O3薄膜;带隙可调谐;磁控溅射 1

2-羟基丁酸 1

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抗白粉病基因 <i>Pm40i> 在我国“后 <i>Pm21i> 时代”小麦育种中的重要作用 Perspective


《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第4期   页码 500-506 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.06.004

摘要: 20 世纪80 年代,通过簇毛麦(Heuchera villosa)的6VS 染色体与小麦6AL 染色体易位将抗白粉病基因Pm21 转移到普通小麦中。最近,在一些地方发现了对Pm21 有毒的Bgt,虽然这些菌株的病理学特性还有待研究,但这一现象提醒小麦育种者应注意应用Pm21 的风险。通过细胞学研究,并未在Pm40 的载体品种中发现大片段外缘染色体。过去几年的研究发现,Pm40 的载体品种具有优良的农艺性状。因此,我们相信在未来的育种工程中,Pm40 将会在Pm21 的抗性被克服之后起巨大的作用。另外,Pm21 Pm40 都来源于外缘物种,这暗示着外源基因的抗性可能比小麦本身的基因更为持久和有效。

关键词: 小麦     白粉病     <i>Pm21i>     <i>Pm40i>     外源基因     内源抗性    

Development of a new method for RMR and Q classification method to optimize support system in tunneling

Asghar RAHMATI,Lohrasb FARAMARZI,Manouchehr SANEI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第4期   页码 448-455 doi: 10.1007/s11709-014-0262-x

摘要: Rock mass classification system is very suitable for various engineering design and stability analysis. classification method is confirmed by Japan Highway Public Corporation that this method can figure out either strength or deformability of rock mass, further appropriating the amount of rock bolts, thickness of shotcrete, and size of pitch of steel ribs just after the blasting procedure. Based on these advantages of method, in this study, according to data of five deep and long tunnels in Iran, two equations for estimating the value of method from and classification systems were developed. These equations as a new method were able to optimize the support system for and classification systems. From classification and its application in these case studies, it is pointed out that the method for the design of support systems in underground working is more reliable than the and classification systems.

关键词: JH classification     Q and RMR classification     new method    

2014—2016年食品动物源RE-<i>cmeABCi>阳性弯曲菌流行与耐药性现状 Article

刘德俊, 刘蔚雯, 李星, 姚红, 沈张奇, 汪洋, 沈建忠

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第1期   页码 34-39 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.10.013


弯曲菌是引起人类胃肠炎的一类重要食源性致病菌。RE-CmeABC是近年来弯曲菌中新发现的一种增强型耐药外排泵,可介导对兽医和人医临床治疗弯曲菌感染的重要药物,如氟喹诺酮类、酰胺醇类、大环内酯类及四环素类等药物的高水平耐药,而目前尚未有对该外排泵的大范围流行病学调查。因此,本研究调查了2014—2016年连续三年间我国山东、上海和广东等三个重点养殖区食品动物源RE-cmeABC阳性弯曲菌的流行与耐药性现状。结果显示,在1088株弯曲菌(931株结肠弯曲菌与157株空肠弯曲菌)中共检测出122株(11.2%)RE-cmeABC阳性菌株,包括111株(70.7%)空肠弯曲菌与11株(1.2%)结肠弯曲菌,空肠弯曲菌中RE-cmeABC的阳性率显著高于结肠弯曲菌。111株RE-cmeABC阳性空肠弯曲菌与46株RE-cmeABC阴性空肠弯曲菌相比在氟苯尼考、克林霉素和红霉素的耐药率上具有显著差异(P < 0.05),而在环丙沙星、四环素和庆大霉素的耐药率上无显著差异。然而,携带RE-cmeABC的菌株可以使环丙沙星与四环素对弯曲菌的MIC值分布趋于更高水平范围。脉冲场凝胶电泳分型(PFGE)结果显示RE-cmeABC阳性菌株在上海和广东地区以水平传播为主,在山东地区以克隆传播为主;三株分离于上海和广东的阳性菌为同一克隆型,4株分离于上海和山东的阳性菌为同一克隆型。本研究表明RE-cmeABC已在我国食品动物源弯曲菌中广泛流行,对公共卫生安全具有潜在威胁。

关键词: RE- <i> cmeABC i>     弯曲菌     环丙沙星     氟苯尼考    

NiFeRuO<i>xi> nanosheets on Ni foam as an electrocatalyst for efficient

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第11期   页码 1698-1706 doi: 10.1007/s11705-023-2334-8

摘要: The electrocatalyst NiFeRuOx/NF, comprised of NiFeRuOx nanosheets grown on Ni foam, was synthesized using a hydrothermal process followed by thermal annealing. NiFeRuOx/NF displays high electrocatalytic activity and stability for overall alkaline seawater splitting: 98 mV@ 10 mA∙cm−2 in hydrogen evolution reaction, 318 mV@ 50 mA∙cm−2 in oxygen evolution reaction, and a cell voltage of 1.53 V@ 10 mA∙cm−2, as well as 20 h of durability. A solar-driven system containing such a bifunctional NiFeRuOx/NF has an almost 100% Faradaic efficiency. The NiFeRuOx coating around Ni foam is an anti-corrosion layer and also a critical factor for enhancement of bifunctional performances.

关键词: NiFeRuOx nanosheets     Ni foam     electrocatalysis     overall seawater splitting     solar-driven system    

Traces and echoes of <i>De Architecturai> by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in the work of Xu Guangqi in 17th

Michela CIGOLA,Yibing FANG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第11卷 第1期   页码 3-11 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0359-5


This study aims to investigate the role played by Xu Guangqi (1562–1633), minister of the Ming Dynasty, in the development of European scientific and technical knowledge in China between the 16th and 17th centuries by analyzing a book of Western technology that he wrote, namely, Taixi Shuifa (On Western Hydraulics). Several Western books related to machine knowledge are searched to trace the source of the illustrations in Taixi Shuifa. We found that Archimedes’ screw and Ctesibius’ machine, which are included in Vitruvius’ De Architectura volumes, also appear in the work of Xu Guangqi.

关键词: Vitruvius’ De Architectura     Xu Guangqi’s Taixi Shuifa     Jesuit missionaries     Italian Renaissance     drawing     representation    

<i>RR1i> and <i>RR2i> gene deletion affects the immunogenicity of a live attenuated pseudorabies

Shijun YAN,He YAN,Chaolin ZHANG,Tongyan WANG,Qingyuan YANG,Zhe SUN,Yan XIAO,Feifei TAN,Xiangdong LI,Kegong TIAN

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第1期   页码 81-86 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2016088

摘要: As virulence-determining genes, and encode the small subunit and large subunit of viral ribonucleotide reductase (RR) in pseudorabies virus which have been extensively studied in mice. However, their role in pigs has not been adequately investigated. In this study, we deleted and genes based on a / / triple gene-deleted pseudorabies virus and tested its efficacy in pigs as a vaccine candidate. The rescued virus showed similar growth properties and plaque size as its parent strain. In an animal study, the virus could elicit humoral immune responses shown by generation of gB-specific antibodies and virus neutralizing antibodies. However, vaccination could not provide protection against virulent pseudorabies virus challenge since vaccinated pigs showed clinical pseudorabies-specific syndromes. The deficiency in protection may due to the generation of late and low levels of gB antibodies and virus neutralizing antibodies.

关键词: pseudorabies virus     RR1 and RR2     ribonucleotide reductase     vaccine candidate    

Efficient acetoin production from pyruvate by engineered whole-cell biocatalysis

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第4期   页码 425-436 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2229-0

摘要: Acetoin is an important platform chemical, which has a wide range of applications in many industries. Halomonas bluephagenesis, a chassis for next generation of industrial biotechnology, has advantages of fast growth and high tolerance to organic acid salts and alkaline environment. Here, α-acetolactate synthase and α-acetolactate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis 168 were co-expressed in H. bluephagenesis to produce acetoin from pyruvate. After reaction condition optimization and further increase of α-acetolactate decarboxylase expression, acetoin production and yield were significantly enhanced to 223.4 mmol·L–1 and 0.491 mol·mol–1 from 125.4 mmol·L–1 and 0.333 mol·mol–1, respectively. Finally, the highest titer of 974.3 mmol·L–1 (85.84 g·L–1) of acetoin was accumulated from 2143.4 mmol·L–1 (188.6 g·L–1) of pyruvic acid within 8 h in fed-batch bioconversion under optimal reaction conditions. Moreover, the reusability of the cell catalysis was also tested, and the result illustrated that the whole-cell catalysis obtained 433.3, 440.2, 379.0, 442.8 and 339.4 mmol·L–1 (38.2, 38.8, 33.4, 39.0 and 29.9 g·L–1) acetoin in five repeated cycles under the same conditions. This work therefore provided an efficient H. bluephagenesis whole-cell catalysis with a broad development prospect in biosynthesis of acetoin.

关键词: acetoin     pyruvate     α-acetolactate synthetase     α-acetolactate decarboxylase     Halomonas bluephagenesis     whole-cell biocatalysis    

通过<i> B i>位Ta置换对<i> AB i> O4型EuNbO4的热学和力学性质进行优化 Article

陈琳, 冯晶

《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第2期   页码 177-184 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.006


铁弹性的ABO4型RETaO4陶瓷和RENbO4陶瓷(RE表示稀土)是具有潜在应用价值的热障涂层(TBC)材料,研究人员正在对其进行大量研究。结果显示, RETaO4陶瓷的力学性质优于RENbO4陶瓷的力学性质。在本研究中,我们通过B位钽(Ta)置换对利用固相法(SSR)制备的EuNbO4陶瓷的热学和力学性质进行优化。我们使用X射线衍射(XRD)法和拉曼光谱技术对所制备的晶体结构进行确认,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对结构表面的微观形貌进行观察。结果表明,通过B位Ta置换可以有效提高EuNbO4陶瓷的杨氏模量和热膨胀系数(TEC),且其最大值分别为169 GPa和1.12×10−5 K−1(1200 ℃); EuNbO4陶瓷的热导率被降低至1.52 W·K–1·m–1(700 ℃),且材料的抗热辐射能力得到了改善。我们建立了声子热扩散系数与温度之间的关系,用以通过消除热辐射效应来确定声子本征热导率。研究结果表明,通过B位Ta置换能够有效优化EuNbO4的热学和力学性质,从而使得此种材料在将来可成为一种高温结构陶瓷材料。

关键词: 热障涂层,稀土铌酸盐,置换,热导率,热膨胀系数,杨氏模量    

A highly efficient methodology for the preparation of

Yongxin Zhang, Shucheng Wang, Yaodong Huang

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第3期   页码 679-686 doi: 10.1007/s11705-020-1979-9

摘要: A convenient and highly efficient method is described for the synthesis of -methoxycarbazole derivatives, including those with sterically demanding, benzannulated, or strongly electron-donating or -withdrawing substituents. Various -methoxycarbazole derivatives were directly prepared in good-to-moderate yields by the Pd (dba) CHCl /9,9-dimethyl-4,5-bis(diphenylphosphino)xanthene-catalyzed reactions of the corresponding dibromobiphenyl compounds and methoxya-mine. Based on this methodology, the first total synthesis of 3,3′-[oxybis(methylene)]bis(9-methoxy-9 -carbazole), an antimicrobial dimeric carbazole alkaloid previously isolated from the stem bark of , was achieved in 18% yield over seven steps from 1,2-dibromobenzene.

关键词: N-methoxyl carbazole     dimeric N-methoxyl carbazole     alkaloid     total synthesis     double N-arylation of methoxyamine    

A systematic approach in load disaggregation utilizing a multi-stage classification algorithm for consumer electrical appliances classification

Chuan Choong YANG, Chit Siang SOH, Vooi Voon YAP

《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第2期   页码 386-398 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0497-z

摘要: The potential to save energy in existing consumer electrical appliances is very high. One of the ways to achieve energy saving and improve energy use awareness is to recognize the energy consumption of individual electrical appliances. To recognize the energy consumption of consumer electrical appliances, the load disaggregation methodology is utilized. Non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NIALM) is a load disaggregation methodology that disaggregates the sum of power consumption in a single point into the power consumption of individual electrical appliances. In this study, load disaggregation is performed through voltage and current waveform, known as the - trajectory. The classification algorithm performs cropping and image pyramid reduction of the - trajectory plot template images before utilizing the principal component analysis (PCA) and the -nearest neighbor ( -NN) algorithm. The novelty of this paper is to establish a systematic approach of load disaggregation through - trajectory-based load signature images by utilizing a multi-stage classification algorithm methodology. The contribution of this paper is in utilizing the “ -value,” the number of closest data points to the nearest neighbor, in the -NN algorithm to be effective in classification of electrical appliances. The results of the multi-stage classification algorithm implementation have been discussed and the idea on future work has also been proposed.

关键词: load disaggregation     voltage-current (V-I) trajectory     multi-stage classification algorithm     principal component analysis (PCA)     k-nearest neighbor (k-NN)    

Accounting for the uncertainties in the estimation of average shear wave velocity using – correlations

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期   页码 1199-1208 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0749-1

摘要: Site-specific seismic hazard analysis is crucial for designing earthquake resistance structures, particularly in seismically active regions. Shear wave velocity ( V S) is a key parameter in such analysis, although the economy and other factors restrict its direct field measurement in many cases. Various V S–SPT– N correlations are routinely incorporated in seismic hazard analysis to estimate the value of V S. However, many uncertainties question the reliability of these estimated V S values. This paper comes up with a statistical approach to take care of such uncertainties involved in V S calculations. The measured SPT– N values from all the critical boreholes were converted into statistical parameters and passed through various correlations to estimate V S at different depths. The effect of different soil layers in the boreholes on the Vs estimation was also taken into account. Further, the average shear wave velocity of the top 30 m soil cover ( V S30) is estimated after accounting for various epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties. The scattering nature of the V S values estimated using different V SN correlations was reduced significantly with the application of the methodology. Study results further clearly demonstrated the potential of the approach to eliminate various uncertainties involved in the estimation of V S30 using general and soil-specific correlations.

关键词: uncertainties     V SN correlations     V S30     SPT data     statistical methodology    

<i>NES1i>/<i>KLK10i> and <i>hNISi> gene therapy enhanced iodine-131 internal radiation in PC3 proliferation

Jiajia Hu, Wenbin Shen, Qian Qu, Xiaochun Fei, Ying Miao, Xinyun Huang, Jiajun Liu, Yingli Wu, Biao Li

《医学前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第6期   页码 646-657 doi: 10.1007/s11684-018-0643-y

摘要: gene is thought to be a tumor-suppressor gene. Our previous study found that overexpression of gene in PC3 cell line could slow down the tumor proliferation rate, associated with a mild decrease in expression. The decrease could increase the sensitivity of radiotherapy to tumors. Thus, we supposed to have an “enhanced firepower” effect by combining overexpressed gene therapy and I radiation therapy uptake by overexpressed hNIS protein. We found a weak endogenous expression of hNIS protein in PC3 cells and demonstrated that the low expression of hNIS protein in PC3 cells might be the reason for the low iodine uptake. By overexpressing in PC3, the radioactive iodine uptake ability was significantly increased. Results of and tumor proliferation experiments and F-fluorothymidine ( F-FLT) micro-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (micro-PET/CT) imaging showed that the combined gene therapy and I radiation therapy mediated by overexpressed hNIS protein had the best tumor proliferative inhibition effect. Immunohistochemistry showed an obvious decrease of expression and the lowest expression. These data suggest that via inhibition of expression, overexpressed might enhance the effect of radiation therapy of I uptake in overexpressed PC3 cells.

关键词: androgen-independent prostate cancer     normal epithelial cell-specific 1/kallikrein 10     sodium/iodide symporter     radiation therapy     proliferation    

<i>FESEi>’s Best Papers of 2017

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1051-x

Anti-β glycoprotein I antibodies in complex with β2 glycoprotein I induce platelet activation via tworeceptors: apolipoprotein E receptor 2' and glycoprotein I


《医学前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第1期   页码 76-84 doi: 10.1007/s11684-015-0426-7


Anti-β2 glycoprotein I (anti-β2GP I ) antibodies are important contributors to thrombosis, especially in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). However, the mechanism by which anti-β2GP I antibodies are involved in the pathogenesis of thrombosis is not fully understood. In this report, we investigated the role of anti-β2GP I antibodies in complexes with β2GP I as mediators of platelet activation, which can serve as a potential source contributing to thrombosis. We examined the involvement of the apolipoprotein E receptor 2' (apoER2') and glycoprotein I ba (GP I bα) in platelet activation induced by the anti-β2GP I /β2GP I complex. The interaction between the anti-β2GP I /β2GP I complex and platelets was examined using in vitro methods, in which the Fc portion of the antibody was immobilized using protein A coated onto a microtiter plate. Platelet activation was assessed by measuring GP II b/ III a activation and P-selectin expression and thromboxane B2 production as well as p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation. Our results revealed that the anti-β2GP I /β2GP I complex was able to activate platelets, and this activation was inhibited by either the anti-GP I bα antibody or the apoER2' inhibitor. Results showed that the anti-β2GP I /β2GP I complex induced platelet activation via GP I bα and apoER2', which may then contribute to the prothrombotic tendency in APS patients.

关键词: anti-β2GP I /β2GP I complex     platelet     GP I bα     apoER2'     thrombosis    

High frequency of alternative splicing variants of the oncogene in neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas and breast

《医学前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第5期   页码 907-923 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1009-7

摘要: The characteristic genetic abnormality of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), a heterogeneous group of tumors found in various organs, remains to be identified. Here, based on the analysis of the splicing variants of an oncogene Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) in The Cancer Genome Atlas datasets that contain 9193 patients of 33 cancer subtypes, we found that Box 6/Box 7-containing FAK variants (FAK6/7) were observed in 7 (87.5%) of 8 pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas and 20 (11.76%) of 170 pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs). We tested FAK variants in 157 tumor samples collected from Chinese patients with pancreatic tumors, and found that FAK6/7 was positive in 34 (75.6%) of 45 pancreatic NENs, 19 (47.5%) of 40 pancreatic solid pseudopapillary neoplasms, and 2 (2.9%) of 69 PDACs. We further tested FAK splicing variants in breast neuroendocrine carcinoma (BrNECs), and found that FAK6/7 was positive in 14 (93.3%) of 15 BrNECs but 0 in 23 non-NEC breast cancers. We explored the underlying mechanisms and found that a splicing factor serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 4 (SRRM4) was overexpressed in FAK6/7-positive pancreatic tumors and breast tumors, which promoted the formation of FAK6/7 in cells. These results suggested that FAK6/7 could be a biomarker of NENs and represent a potential therapeutic target for these orphan diseases.

关键词: FAK6/7     SRRM4     neuroendocrine neoplasms     pancreas     breast    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

抗白粉病基因 <i>Pm40i> 在我国“后 <i>Pm21i> 时代”小麦育种中的重要作用



Development of a new method for RMR and Q classification method to optimize support system in tunneling

Asghar RAHMATI,Lohrasb FARAMARZI,Manouchehr SANEI



刘德俊, 刘蔚雯, 李星, 姚红, 沈张奇, 汪洋, 沈建忠


NiFeRuO<i>xi> nanosheets on Ni foam as an electrocatalyst for efficient


Traces and echoes of <i>De Architecturai> by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in the work of Xu Guangqi in 17th

Michela CIGOLA,Yibing FANG


<i>RR1i> and <i>RR2i> gene deletion affects the immunogenicity of a live attenuated pseudorabies

Shijun YAN,He YAN,Chaolin ZHANG,Tongyan WANG,Qingyuan YANG,Zhe SUN,Yan XIAO,Feifei TAN,Xiangdong LI,Kegong TIAN


Efficient acetoin production from pyruvate by engineered whole-cell biocatalysis


通过<i> B i>位Ta置换对<i> AB i> O4型EuNbO4的热学和力学性质进行优化

陈琳, 冯晶


A highly efficient methodology for the preparation of

Yongxin Zhang, Shucheng Wang, Yaodong Huang


A systematic approach in load disaggregation utilizing a multi-stage classification algorithm for consumer electrical appliances classification

Chuan Choong YANG, Chit Siang SOH, Vooi Voon YAP


Accounting for the uncertainties in the estimation of average shear wave velocity using – correlations


<i>NES1i>/<i>KLK10i> and <i>hNISi> gene therapy enhanced iodine-131 internal radiation in PC3 proliferation

Jiajia Hu, Wenbin Shen, Qian Qu, Xiaochun Fei, Ying Miao, Xinyun Huang, Jiajun Liu, Yingli Wu, Biao Li


<i>FESEi>’s Best Papers of 2017


Anti-β glycoprotein I antibodies in complex with β2 glycoprotein I induce platelet activation via tworeceptors: apolipoprotein E receptor 2' and glycoprotein I



High frequency of alternative splicing variants of the oncogene in neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas and breast
